

tiring. tiring.to shoot videos in kuala lumpur, a big city, a hectic city, wasn’t a good idea. but it was a great experience to act in front of the public. wow. it was superb. we put on our mask, fake smile and keep the camera rolling, hahaha…

i think we did quite well. everything was nicely organized. for the camera, we prepared 2 video camera with plenty of camera batteries. we practiced our scenes for few times before the actually video shooting. so overall, it was done nicely

end product = superb! but it was a tiring experience. =)



photography? its always my dream that i wanted to handle good camera, to use DSLR like Joy did. its not only the outcome of the picture that attracts me. but the ‘gaya’ of holding the camera makes it cool to have one.

yay. our 5th class if not mistaken. we were taught about photography. on how to handle camera. on how to use certain accesories like camera lenses, camera lighting, camera memory slot. above all, the most important thing was the camera angle. i didnt know that there are some rules in taking good image. its either to snap a photo from above eye level, lower than eye level, from sides and many more. and there are also potrait images, sport images, landscape and so on. wah…there are a lot to remember and a lot more to learn. this makes photography an awesome field of career. i really wish that i could be a good photography in near future that i can use my skills and equipment to take Joy’s wedding photos. hohoho…


second reflection

highlight of the day was

  1. Group Assignment ( video making)
  2. Individual Task ( Teaching Aid)

ummi gave us the freedom to pick and choose whoever we wanted to pick as group member for the assignment – video making. we wrote our name in as usual and my group mate are – Ku, Luke, Joy, Pian, Hasif, and Redza. 6 of us will be in the same group to produce our own digital product. the video. should i call it the possible nominees for the Oscar award? =)

then we were doing this blog. sign up in the blog and make post about the class. it was easy. super easy. ya, I’m being sarcastic here since we got some good blogger around. they are so used in using wordpress but never they came across a dull individual like me who doesn’t has the guts to use wordpress before. maybe because i was so fond of using blogspot. call me a blogspot freak. i dont mind as long as it is easy for me. =)


1st day in class

my 1st day in class was fun. having to sit at the back of the class and listen attentively to ummi’s briefing about the class were amazing. not because of the “strategic spot” I’m sitting at…but because of the content. ya, the content i supposed. well, it is really amazing when we were told that we have to produce our own video. it was a briliant idea since I’m into acting as well. i simply love to act in front of the camera. ya. i really do. 🙂

the class ran smoothly even some of my classmates, especially Ku, Pian and Luke have to sit on the floor. they look cute sitting right beside the door and as if they were the guard of the day. 🙂 not to be forgotten, ummi also mentioned about class reflections. it should be done weekly, after every class. then about the content of the blog, the widget, pictures, videos and some other relevant contents.


Kutipan derma

Dalam minggu ni, salah seorang student KDO (Rayn) kehilangan ayahnya yg kembali ke rahmatullah. Selang 2 hari lepas kematian ayah Rayn, berita sedih juga menimpa keluarga Wan Afzan (S/U Aspirasi KDO). Ibu Wan meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung (if i’m not mistaken). I’m on the behalf of the KDO’s people feel sorry to both of the family…

Untuk mengurangkan beban dan atas salam takziah dari kami warga KDO, saya (KP kebajikan aspirasi) dan Kak Tim ( JAKSA kebajikan) kumpulkan ahli-ahli kami untuk membuat kutipan derma untuk kedua-dua arwah. Alhamdulillah ramai yang menderma. Terima kasih kepada semua. Sedikit sebnyk derma ini dapat membantu kedua-dua keluarga. InsyaAllah.

Semoga roh arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg soleh..



first wordpress post

hello people~i have no idea what to write on my first post..

btw, check out for new post later yea..?KIT~


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the owner

today is…

May 2024

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